Wilson Amateur Radio Club, Inc. (Wilson ARC), a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation, is an ARRL affiliated club located in Wilson County, Tennessee. Our membership is generally made up of hams who live in or near Gladeville, Hermitage, Lebanon, Mount Juliet, Old Hickory, Watertown and surrounding communities. Membership is open to all licensed amateur radio operators and others interested in supporting amateur radio and the activities of this club. Any person, without regard to race, creed, gender, age, or physical impairment, interested in Amateur Radio is eligible for membership but membership is not required to participate in club activities. Click here for a copy of the Wilson ARC Bylaws.
The Wilson ARC maintains an open repeater (WC4AR/r) operating on 147.105 MHz, + offset (+0.6 mhz), tone squelch 156.7 Hz. All licensed amateur radio operators are welcome and encouraged to use the the WC4AR repeater.
Please join us on the WC4AR Repeater every Thursday night at 8:00 PM Central for our weekly information net. All amateur radio operators are invited to participate.
Club dues are $20 individual or $30 family for Regular (licensed) members & $10 individual or $15 family for Associate (non-licensed) members. Existing members may renew their membership online by clicking the “Pay Dues” button on the right side a of the page. Renewals may also be done in-person at a club meeting or by mail: If renewing by mail, please make checks payable to “Wilson ARC”, note “Membership Dues” on the memo line, and mail it to :
Wilson Amateur Radio Club, Inc.
P.O. Box number 533
Lebanon, TN 37088